Dr Allison Harber


After completing my Osteopathy studies at Victoria University, I moved to Townsville, where I worked in a busy practice for 12 years. In 2023, my husband and I relocated with our son to Caloundra, for this next exciting chapter of our lives.
Osteopathy celebrates the body’s vastly connected systems and structures, and how closely these can impact our movement and overall health, and it’s a fascination that has been with me from early on. My background in sports, including ironman, triathlon, ultramarathons and pole fitness, has complimented my practice over the years, and furthered my appreciation of my patients’ injuries, their pain, and their healing.
I have a special interest in assisting women during all stages of pregnancy and have additional training in paediatric Osteopathy. Babies are such a joy to work with!
I otherwise love the challenge of treating a wide range of conditions, from acute and chronic spinal pains to sports-related muscle and joint injuries, and see patients of all ages, from infants to the elderly. I love helping my patients understand their body, working with them to help identify the causes of their pain, and inspiring them to play an active role in their health and recovery.

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